Monday, November 2, 2009


I think people choose to eat products that are unhealthy for them because the foods that are healthier for them are more expensive to buy, so they buy the less healthier foods because financially that is just what they can afford or because they don’t really know about the food they are actually eating.
I think that the government should be responsible for educating the people on healthy food choices and also how to stay healthy. The government should also be responsible for managing the foods we eat because these foods are causing major health concerns and they should be dong something to stop these unhealthy eating habits.


  1. I totally agree with your opinion Chyna. I think that our government should work to help make healthy foods accessible.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I agree with you Chyna. Do you believe that if the healthy food was less expensive than the junk food, people would buy it, or would they still be fine with eating the junk food?

  4. I hate that the unhealthy foods are cheaper because that is all my family ever buys and I'm stuck with it.

  5. Chy Chy!
    I agree with you all the way!
    Most people are purchasing unhealhy foods because it is affordable and unaware of the health risks of certain food products.
    G0D J0B!
    TELL AHMYA i SAiD Hi :)

  6. Can we really trust the government though? They could be corrupted by the lobbyists.

    Good points overall!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I agree with the first half of your statement. I didn't even think about price wise because it is true that organic is much more expensive then processed food or food bought in bulk!
    But how is the government suppose to educate people about what they should or shouldn't be eating? Don't you think at a certain point people should be able to make smart careful decisions without the government holding their hand?

  9. well i agree but like eitan said what if healthy foods were less expensive? do you think people would buy them instead?
    and what about the people who have plenty of money and still eat unhealthy junk food?

  10. I agree with you Chyna, I think that many jung people eat unhealthy junk food,sweet fizzy drinks like for example Coca-Cola.. because it is modern, thier friends eat it, it is quickly prepared, or buy baguette when they are in hurry to their job,and they forget about vegetable and fruit.It is modern to go in MC Donald´s, Pizza restaurants etc...these restaurants don´t care that peaople eat their unhealthy is all about money...
